Preparing Rio Negro Biotope
« : Aralık 11, 2008, 15:44:45 ös »
I will join to the AGA 2009 in the biotope category,so i want to create a 'true' biotope of Rio Negro.I have 3mm black gravel(brown mixed) and lots of driftwoods.For the plants,can i use Heteranthera zosterifolia(stargrass) and Cabomba caroliniana?And i want to use Echinodorus sp. too but which species can we find in Rio Negro?For the fishes,Bushymouth catfish,Cardinal tetra and Hemigrammus bleheri and i want to have a dwarf cichlid too but which species?For the foreground plant can i use Echinodorus tenellus?
Sorry for too many questions!
« Son Düzenleme: Aralık 11, 2008, 15:45:18 ös Gönderen: cagatay301 »