Hagen siyah kumla ilgili olarak belirtmek isterim ki, piyasada satýlan bu kumun hagen firmasýyla hiçbir ilgisi yoktur. Zaten ambalajýnda da bu marka yer almýyor.( en azýndan benim canlýbitki.com'dan aldýðým 25 kg.'lýk paketlerde yok.)
Firma ile yazýþtým. Gelen cevap aynen þöyle:
Dear Hakan Karatas,
> I have discussed this with our Category Manager for these items. There
> > are two items, as such an item number would be best to truly
> identify the product you actually have. One, listed as Black Sand is
> not suitable for discus, this will be best identified with a clear
> label stating its > origin as coming from China. These bags were
> discontinued a while ago. The replacement product is actually a very
> fine gravel called black beach Gravel, fine. This is suitable for
> discus, it has been seen to raise the > KH by about 60, which I am
> told is quite suitable for discus. So, as you > can see, one will be
> fine for your discus, the other is not a good > suggestion for them.
> Best Regards,
> Steve Pond
> Customer Service Manager
> Rolf C. Hagen Inc.