Konu: Nano Buda tanziminiz hakkýnda / A question about your Nano Budha  (Okunma sayýsý 5372 defa)


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Bu tasarýmýnýz hakkýnda bir soru sormak istiyorum. Gerçkten tasarým çok hoþuma gitti. Bu Buda heykelini siz herhangi bir yerden rastgele mi aldýnýz yoksa suda zarar görmeyecek bir ürün mü ? Ben de ileride benzer mantýkta bir tank yaparak kopya çekebilirim de :P ;D


I want to ask a question about this design of yours. I really loved this. Did you bought this Budha from a random place or is it a special statue which is not give reaction with water ? Maybe i can setup a similar tank with copying your idea :P ;D


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Ynt: Nano Buda tanziminiz hakkýnda / A question about your Nano Budha
« Yanýtla #1 : Temmuz 27, 2008, 13:29:53 ös »
I bought this statue form a wholesaler who is specialist to import Asian statue from China. It dont have effect on the water quality. I think it is a kind of sandstone. If you are not sure try some drops hydrochloric acid on the material, if there is no effect the material is free of lime...the most important if you want to use it for a planted aquarium.

Regards, Oliver

Bu tasarýmýnýz hakkýnda bir soru sormak istiyorum. Gerçkten tasarým çok hoþuma gitti. Bu Buda heykelini siz herhangi bir yerden rastgele mi aldýnýz yoksa suda zarar görmeyecek bir ürün mü ? Ben de ileride benzer mantýkta bir tank yaparak kopya çekebilirim de :P ;D


I want to ask a question about this design of yours. I really loved this. Did you bought this Budha from a random place or is it a special statue which is not give reaction with water ? Maybe i can setup a similar tank with copying your idea :P ;D