Konu: Help for new aquarium  (Okunma says 5894 defa)


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Help for new aquarium
« : Ekim 25, 2008, 19:05:49 s »

Hi Oliver
First of all i'm admire to your aquariums,aspecially "Skull Island - 8.400 Liter" is perfect....
Ý have 150*60*60 size aquarium with 19 p.nattereri piranha.In this aquarium i havent got any plants but i want to make a planted aquarium.CO2 system-lighting(2*150 watt 6500K)-sand are ready but i cant decide what kind of plants should i put in my new aquarium??Can u advice a plant which one is totaly cover the floor?and another plant for cover the wood?...for the reason of there are a lot of piranha in aquarium is there any problem for water quality?and is it problem for plants?if it will be a problem?what should i do?




Merhaba Oliver.

Öncelikle yapmýþ olduðun tanklarý hayranlýkla izliyorum,özellikle "Skull Island - 8.400 Liter" isimli çalýþman harika.
Ben 150*60*60 ölçülerimdeki akvaryumda 19 adet p.nattereri cinsi pirhanha beslemekteyim mevcut akvaryumumda bitki yok ama bitki aðýrlýklý bir akvaryum yapmayý düþünüyorum.CO2 sistem-aydýnlatma-kum dahil herþey hazýr fakat ne tür bitki koyacaðým konusunda kararsýzým.Zemini komple kaplayacak ve mangrov köklerini kaplayacak bitki türü söyleyebilirmisin?Akvaryumda 19 adet piranha olmasi nedeniyle nitrat fazlasý olucak,bu bitkilere zarar verir mi?verirse ne yapmalýyým...


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Ynt: Help for new aquarium
« Yantla #1 : Ekim 27, 2008, 22:31:13 s »
Dear Taner,

thank you for your kind words.

I think keeping Piranha in planted tanks are a great challenge. If you want avoid big water quality problem (like Phosphat/Nitrat) very very  important is a water change frequently, a minimum 30-40% every week. Especially when you feed the Piranhas strong.

For plants covering the wood Microsorum or Anbuia will be a good choice. Maybe also some moss sorts.

For covering the floor: Echinodorus tennellus, Cryptocoryne parva, Cryptocoryne are a good choice for Piranha tanks.

Please take care because of the water temperatur: 26 C and not more! If the temperatur getting over 28 C the Piranhas start to eat the plant to prepare spawning.

Best regards, Oliver Knott